Upcoming events.
C420 Invitational Clinic
Sail Newport is teaming up with OneUnited to bring an advanced, C420-specific clinic in late-June, just before the class’ New England Championship. Last year’s edition proved to be a fantastic kickstart to the season, setting up sailors well for the busy summer regatta circuit. By offering this program as an Invitational through an application process, our aim is to keep the standard high, while attracting dedicated and talented C420s to train in a collaborative setting.
C420 Training Camp at Tabor Academy
C420 training camp run out of Tabor Academy. A residential package can be purchased in addition to clinic coaching, outlined in the flyer below.
USA Junior Olympic Sailing Festival
Supporting the C420 Class at the USA Junior Olympic Festival, hosted by the US Sailing Center, Martin County.
C420 Training Camp
C420 Training Camp run in partnership with the Long Beach Yacht Club and Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Focus is on advanced boat handling.